Saturday, February 10, 2007
Multidimensional Scaling
Fisher's linear discriminant

Principal component analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) involves a mathematical procedure that transforms a number of (possibly) correlated variables into a (smaller) number of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The first principal component accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible, and each succeeding component accounts for as much of the remaining variability as possible.
Objectives of principal component analysis:1)To discover or to reduce the dimensionality of the data set. 2)To identify new meaningful underlying variables. Matlab code of PCA:
function [patterns, targets, UW, m, W] = PCA(patterns, targets, dimension)
[r,c] = size(patterns);
if (r < dimension)dimension = r;end
%Calculate cov matrix and the PCA matrixes m = mean(patterns')';S = ((patterns - m*ones(1,c)) * (patterns - m*ones(1,c))');[V, D] = eig(S);W = V(:,r-dimension+1:r)';U = S*W'*inv(W*S*W');
%Calculate new patternsUW = U*W;patterns = W*patterns;
Friday, February 09, 2007
LaTex Sites
- CTeX: 中文TeX第一站(BBS@CTeX)
- ChinaTex
- TeX@SMTH(水木社区TeX版)
- 中文TeX与数学网站交流会(华东师范大学), 2004
- LaTeX编辑部
Some Books about LaTex
- LaTeX入门与提高(第二版),陈志杰等编著,2006
- 郭力、张林波、葛向阳,CCT中外文科技激光照排系统用户手册,1993
- 邓建松,LaTeX2ε 科技排版指南,科学出版社,2001
- Donald E. Knuth,TeXbook,1984
- L. Lamport,LaTeX: A Document Preparation System (2nd),1994
- M. Goosens, et al, The Latex Companion (2nd Edition),2004
- H. Kopka, P.W. Daly,Guide to LaTeX (4th Edition),2003
- G. Gratzer,Math Into LaTeX (3rd Edition),2000
LaTeX – A document preparation system

Today,I try to write my paper with LaTex,this is my first time to use the tools.It's do very well in preparing thesis and paper.I enjoy the holiday!I can do what i like.Cheer!